Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I got some good news today. :) Soon there will be a nice package waiting for me at the post-office! Yeay! A lots of nice latexoutfits to shoot. :P I will show you the clothes as soon as I get them.

And finally a got the firewire to the videocamera so I could get the film into the computer..so now I'm trying to figure this Adobe Premiere out. I have worked with it before but it's a very long time a go! I have to make some video for you people. ;)

Me and Nikdesign was bored the other night so we decided to do a quick photoshoot in our home. Here is a little preview for you, you can see the whole set on SisterSinister.se in the future of course.:) I got to use my purple and red dress and my red shoes that I've never used in front of the camera before. I was so happy! :P

I have to continue editing the video now and then edit some pictures...gaah...then later tonight I have the regular tuesday meeting with my society.
Sophie/ Naucler Design will be there to and we will plan for the upcoming fashionshows at Dekadance and Kulturnatta!

See you later sweeties!
Sister Sinister

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