Thursday, March 26, 2009


I thought I should try this blogthingy...even though I have nothing interesting to write about! But hey, I'm not forcing you to read. :)

I made a trip to Stockholm this weekend with Nikdesign to go to the Sisters of Mercy consert. It's was quite god actually and I met a lots of people I have´nt seen in a long time. We also went to the afterparty with Ben Christo, the guitarist of the band, and had some fun.
Last time I met him was in October last year, when I were in London for LFW. And it was just for a couple of minutes, so it was nice to see him again. And it was the first time I saw him play live!

The best thing about the Stockholmtrip was that I got to spend some time with my mum. She´s the best person in the world and I love her to death. Mami! <3 Thanks to my FE trip I´ll see her soon again, cause I'm staying there for a couple of days before and after. It's only a couple of weeks untill I go to Germany to visit this fantastic event!'m so excited!
Will be fun meeting people I've only talked to on the net.
But it's also a lots of things to prepare for the
Still waiting to get the new blue dress from Naucler Design that I will wear one of the evenings.
Hopefully it will be ready this week.

Now I have to start edit some pictures I took of Olga this evening.

AND! I have updated the gallery of with a new photosession. Check it out. :)


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