Saturday, September 26, 2009


Är med i höstmodet i Nöjesmagasinet City.
Ser ut ungefär såhär med mycket fuskpäls, stora varma mössor och dova färger.
Stora smycken är också en hit. Smyckena från bilderna kommer från Pilgrim.

Foto: Jocke Jonsson
MUA: Jessica Lundberg

Sister Sinister

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Fetishistas

Sveriges egen latexdesigner, och även min sponsor, Naucler Design har en sprillans ny och jättefin hemsida som ni borde titta in på. Köp gärna stuff oxå! :)

Dessutom ska de ha en modevisning på Manifest i Köpenhamn om ca 2 veckor som jag ska vara med på. Det har en av latexvärldens största nättidningar uppmärksammat och skrivit en liten rad om på sin hemsida.
Den drivs bla av min vän Tony Mitchell som tidigare var redaktör för Skin Two.
I give you..The Fetishistas!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Gick modevisning för Techdoll, en vän från Stockholm. Den hölls under Sunset Park festivalen i Umeå för ett par veckor sen.
Lite bilder finns i galleriet på min hemsida.

Sister Sinister

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Shooting for WWB

I did a photoshoot tonight with Nikdesign behind the camera and Jessica Lundberg as MUA. Shot in an awesome dress that is white with pearlsheen blue details. And hiiiiigh clear heels. ;) Jessica did a awesome job with the makeup as usual, AND she's really good with hair too!
This shots are gonna kick ass and you're gonna wish you were on my spaceship under my command!


In the car after shooting! Damn mosquitos!

Sister Sinister

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I started this day with a nice work out. Feels good! Then I dyed my hair so now it’s black and nice again :)
This evening I have been out shooting with a nice photographer from Umeå, where I live. His name is Mattias and it was kinda the first time we did a real shoot together! Why?
We started out with a “fashion-ish” photosession somewhere outside in a zebra-dress and leatherjacket and stuff.
Thank you Jessica for lending the outfit to me!
And then we also did a small latex shooting of course. ;) We used a metallic purple dress that’s loooong and supertight!
Can’t wait to see the pictures! I wanted to do a lots more pics in that dress too but it was too cold to continue!
Here is a picture of the dress we used:

It’s from Westwardbound. Thanks!!!

Tomorrow I will have to get up really early. I’m going to Örnsköldsvik, a town about 2 hours from here, to shoot with a great photographer named Andreas Stridsberg. See hi’s work here.
It will be so much fun! I have never worked with him before but I really like his work. But I think it will be mostly portraits cause there’s a MUA there visiting from far away so she wants to show of her work..
But I’ll try to do something more fun too! :P Maybe something with latex? haha

Well..wish me good luck about tomorrows shootings and I’ll write more when I get back home. I’ll try to be a good girl and take a lots of behind the scenes pics!

Sister Sinister

Freaky friday

Or not. Just a regular day, except from me being all alone.
Nik has left for a meeting faaar away and won’t be back untill sunday.
Most of the people from the office here left for that so I have the whole house for myself. It feels much bigger now when nobody is here! :/

And guess if I was suprised when I logged on to Deviant Art today!
I had got 1000 messages! And it was not many hours before this I checked it last just in a few hours! So I was really wondering what the hell was going on… but apparently this picture (shown below) had become a “Daily Deviation”, and that’s the reason thar I have got over 2000 messages today…and it keeps coming…gosh…
I don’t even know what this “DD” thingy is! But I guess it’s something good then.

Shot by: MGAH MUA: Jessica L

And speaking about good things.. The incredible Michael Calandra is making a painting with me in it!
It’s gonna be the coolest thing ever from what I’ve seen from the sketch. He explained the painting to me as it’s gonna look like if the Terminator and Edward Scissorhands had a daughter…And I totally understand what he meant. ;)
He makes me look hot as hell!

Check it out here!

Sister Sinister

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I was a good girl today and went out running with Jessica again.
Or…at least I powerwalked…:P I think I need to do it a couple of times untill I’m as good as her. haha. :)
At least I feel much better and happy now when I have got some exercise.

I hope you didnt miss the new update in the latex gallery?
I put up a whole new session for you that me and Nik did at home one late evening. My purple dress is soo gorgeous and this was actually the first time I used it for a photoshoot I think!
The dress and I found eachother on Ebay, it was love at first sight. <3>

Click on the pic to get to the gallery.

And have a look at this! Sinister is infiltrating America!

Sister Sinister