Thursday, May 7, 2009

Late shooting

I’m so tired today after the shooting last night. We always start midnight. :( Sucks. But I think the photos turned out good anyway. Gonna have a look at them now. Jessica did a great job with hair and makeup as usual, even if I wasnt that easy to work with yesterday..I really wanted it to be like the best thing we’ve ever done. But that’s not easy in such short notice..And we didnt even really know which look we where going for. Lol. Impossible mission!
I guess you’ll get to see the pics soon enough..if the people that I did them for likes them..;P They better do!

Meanwhile I give you a couple of behind the scenes from fridays shoot! :P

Doing the hair...I hate hair....

Finally done with the shooting! Yeay!

I have to continue working now.

Sister Sinister

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