Friday, May 1, 2009


Taking a break now from todays shoot. The last outfits for the designer I’ve told you about before. Thought I should write something here before I jump into the catsuit. :P It’s bluuue!!

I’m so proud of myself today because I went up really early andwent out running with my friend/makeup artist Jessica.
And her dogg of course. :)
She usually go out and run most of the mornings so I have decided to join her and try to shape up this body! And noo I’m not saying that I’m fat, I don’t think I am, but I really need to start working out. I do that very rearly because it’s no fun working out alone…well I can do it in the gym, it’s ok. But I can’t even afford a gymcard right now. :/ And I have never liked running, but I will give it a second chance now when I have someone to do it with that can help motivate me.
Soon you will see a better and fit Sinister! :P

How many of you have started working out now before summer? :P Interesting to know who else get’s motivated to to stuff like that this time of the year..(Spring in Sweden)

Sister Sinister

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