Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Done nothing

Today was suppose to be a day when I would get a lots of things done.
I woke up early and went to the office. Had made a list of things to do..and I havent done any of them. I’m such a bad girl. Deserve some spanking. Lol.
At least some things are good today! I got to know that I’m gonna be featured in a awesome book later this year! I can’t tell you more about this right now of course..but I think you will like it! It’s a book filled with some of the hottest rubberladies..;)
I know you gonna want to buy it. hehe.
Speaking of hot rubberladies…have been chatting a bit with Marie Kalista, and she is a damn fine woman! We met at Fetish Evolution but we both had very much to do so we didnt get to speak much there. :( But we have catched up a bit now and I can’t wait to see her again. Go check her out on her website.
You guys wanna help me to talk her in to a shooting with us two together? ;)

I’m am planning for a nice photosession this weekend in this dress. :) Talked with Sophie from Naucler Design today and she is gonna make nice matching gloves for it this week. :D I think it will be awesome!

Got new pic from Ryan!

Sister Sinister

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Trying to shoot some of the outfits I got from a designer today. I have ten outfits…and I have only managed to shoot 2 this far… hm..hope I can do at least 2 more today. It would go faster if I didnt have this annoying fever. Getting in catsuits and long dresses with lacing is usually hard enough without fever! haha. But at least it’s fun and I love when I get to wear latex so I’m enjoying it anyway.

The hardest thing is to get away from the computer to do other stuff! And I blame Twitter! :P But Twitter makes me happy..I love it. Well most of all I like the people there of course. And I’m so happy for my friend Maxime today! But I can’t tell you why :P:P:P hehe.

I have looked in Inner Sanctums onlinestore today..I can’t help drooling…I want everything they sell! Wish I was rich…yes.
Here are some of the garments I hate that I dont have in my wardrobe!

I need to have! Dont you see how “sinister” it is?? ;P
I have to marry a rich guy. If you are rich, handsome and me! lol. Oh! I forgot..I would prefer if you live in a BIG house by the sea..AND someone who cleans the house..I ain’t doin it!

Ok maybe I should stop babbleing and jump into the next outfit..:)
Sister Sinister

Friday, April 24, 2009


Was nice and warm today..but I had to spend half of the day in bed since I’ve got a cold. :(
After a couple of hours I managed to get to the office and edit some more pictures for a’s really taking long time for me to get it done this time! Too much to think I guess so it’s hard to stay focused. The first thing I’m gonna do tomorrow, after washing latex of course, is to write a “to do list”. I really have to because I have soo many things going on and when I try to think about it, everything just starts spinning in my head and I can’t focus on anything.

I have rebuilt in the gallery today..or at least narrowed down the categorys and stuff. I dont think it get’s better than this before I get my brand new site later on. So I hope you can live with it untill then! ;)
At least I put up a new session in the News section. Some quite simple but pretty pictures with the golden dress some of you saw me wearing in Essen! Click the picture to get to the gallery.

I also got a new really cool picture from Ryan today! I’m really happy with the result of the shoots this far. :) Can’t wait to see more.
He really makes me look cool! Yeay! :)

I really should try to sleep now, and especially since I’m ill… I really hate that “going to bed” part. I love sleeping..but I hate going to bed. Haha. Waking up is not always that fun either!
Well well..Good night!!

Sister Sinister

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crazy Weekend

I was in Borlänge this weekend and made some shoots with a great photographer, Ryan Garrison. And what a day it was… We started of in Leksand (?) and had Marika doing the makeup and hair. Then we drove faaar to get to a cucumber plantation where we did the first shoot. Some cool beauty pictures surrounded by the green leaves. :)
After that we did some black and white pics out on a pier with some latex pieces. You know that black and white with much contrast so the black is truly black and so on?
I think it will look awesome!
I got a picture from the first shoot today and it looked cool! Should I show it to you? Hmm. :) Ok small preview below. :)

The fun thing is..! When we where about to drive back to the city, Ryans car broke down…:/ Luckily right outside a gas station, so we had to push the car away from the road.
After a while it just started working again! We thought that was strange but we thought that we would try to drive it to the city..after like 2-3 km it just died again. Gah!
We where thinking that maybe we just run out of gas, because it was an old car and maybe the metre wasnt telling the truth.
So we walked all the way back to the gas station to buy gasoline and then all the way back, but the car wouldnt work anyway.
Luckily Nik was in Borlänge that evening so he came and picked us up. But it was a looong day I can tell you…
Maybe I can make Ryan send me some fun behind the scenes pics. :P
I think we all slept well that night!
The day after we did some cool gothic/fashion-ish beauty pictures in Ryans studio. And I got to work with a new cool MUA named Geraldine. Can’t wait to see the result!

So now I’m back in Umeå at last and I’ve so much to do.
Last night I did a shoot for a designer so I have to edit the pictures today and send them to the designer.. Small preview here! :P

And I have loads of latex from another designer also that I have to shoot with!
Hopefully we have time to do most of it this weekend.
That means I wont be able to go to The Core’s kick off party.:/ But this is more important.
I also have some cool news about the cooperation between me and Naucler Design! I’ll write more about that later when we know everything 100%.

And apparently I’m in the current issue of Marquis. Had no idea… lol.

See you later!
Sister Sinister

Back in Sweden

Now I’m back in Sweden after the amazing Fetish Evolution Weekend. I had soo much fun this weekend and met a lots of cool people that I’ve only talked to on the net before. So much fun that all people (except from me :( ) where staying at the same hotel ( The Bredeney), so wherever you turned, you saw a new amazing latexoutfit or a woman covered in rubber, leading her man in a leash to the breakfast table. Love it.

I got to hang out with my favourite french guy Maxime and Skin the whole weekend which is soo nice! I dont think have tried so many different girly cocktails in one weekend before.. But except from drinking nice pink drinks with delicious berries, we also did some shootings together. :P Maxime shot me and Skin in the hotelkitchen, some stairway and outside the kitchen freezer. Yay! Already got 2 pics from one of the shootings but you have to wait to see them! hehe. ;)
And of course we did some single shootings in my hotelroom, in the bathroom, AND I had the coolest bed so of course we had to shoot with it too.

I met a couple of guys there that was really amazing, except from of course Denis and Miguel who made this fantastic event possible! So I want to say thanks to the crazy american guys, Paul Nathan and Eric Masters, for making this weekend crazy funny. :)
Here are some tiny partypictures for you!

Most of the sunday contained rehearsals for the eveninge..but after that I managed to shoot with two awesome photographers, Beauty of Abyss Photography and Wave of Darkness Photography, cant wait to see the pictures.
Later in the evening, the Ball I did the fashionshow for the lovely HMS Latex, it was soo much fun and I’d love to do it again. I got to wear a beautiful cage dress in blue and red. So gorgeous! I wanted to steal it hehe. Sophie of HMS is such a sweet girl, like her a lot and she did a great job! And not to forget the amazing Kumi for making a great job as stage manager!

Have to eat now.. write more later. :P
Sister Sinister


At my moms place now. :) Sitting on the balcony with a cup of coffee and enjoying the sun.
It’s much warmer here than where I live. I dont even have to use any jacket, so nice!
On wednesday I leave for Gemany/Essen, trying to figure out what I forgot to pack but I will most likely notice than when I’m already there. :P Just my luck.
Talkning to photographers and trying to plan some photoshoots. It’s hard to plan though when I’ve never been there before and have no idea where I will be and when! lol.
I guess we will sort something out in the end. :)
Gaah…hoping that my mom get’s home soon so she can help me dye my hair. Why do it yourself when you can get help! ;P
And tonight we will be really girlie and watch the “Sex and the City movie”, and eat popcorn. Good to relax before the upcoming hard weekend.
Hopefully there will be lots of nice pictures for you after the FE weekend!

Have to get more coffee now..

Sister Sinister


Shit..this is probably the last update in the blog for a few days or so.. I’m leaving for Stockholm tomorrow at lunchtime so I dont know if I have time to write again.
I’m a very bad girl and still haven’t packed my stuff for the trip..:/
I have to do it tonight before I go to sleep. If i CAN sleep!
I always get a little…hmm..not nervous..but excited when I’m about to travel and stuff so usually I can’t sleep the night before. And it always feels like I have forgotten about 100 important things. Hate it. But it will be a very fun week I think! :D
Really looking forward to FE and meeting everyone.
I got my dress from Naucler Design today and it looks really amazing.
And of course a cute little hairpiece in a matching color. :) I will look so hot!

We’ve put up a new video on YouTube tonight!
A real crappy behind the scenes video from one of my Latexa-shoots.
But at least it’s something for you untill I get the good stuff from Jocke. ;)

I have to run now so I can pack and watch a movie I rented before I sleep..”Hellboy” the “new” one. :P
Hopefully I write a word tomorrow..otherwise..wish me luck in Germany!

Sister Sinister


It’s friday! Just two days till I go to Stockholm for a couple of days and then travel to Germany! Getting really excited! I haven packed yet but I have to do it tomorrow..I hate that I’m that kind of person who always does everything the last minute and then get really stressed. :/

Thank you all for giving the slideshow on YouTube good feedback! Continue the rating people and keep your eyes open on sunday when I will post a new video to YouTube. Hope you’ll like it too! Then I got some really tasty stuff for you coming up..but you’ll have to wait for it…;)

Something you all should know, if you haven´t already noticed is that my agency, who untill a couple of days ago was named Nocturnal Models, has changed name to The Core! And they launched the new site and everything yesterday!
They represent some of the worlds hottest alternative models and some really talanted photographers (like Nikdesign, my official photographer) and stylists!
I’m happy to be a part of that cool growing agency. you know where to look if you need proffessional people to work with. ;)
The Core
My profile at The Core: Sister Sinister

Oh! About the title of this entry…I can´t stop playing this song!

Keep up the sexyness and have a cool weekend!
Sister Sinister

Lazy day

I have done absolutely nothing today…at least it feels like I haven’t.
At least I have been a good girl and cleaned all the latex we used yesterday for filming! Tried out the new Vivishine I got for the latex. It’s really amazing! The clothes get so shiny and smooth.!
We filmed some sexy latex teasemovies yesterday. :) You’ll get to see it as soon as they are edited and stuff.
While we are waiting for the film to be finished I posted a slideshow on Youtube for you. Very sinister..;P

Go and make it highly ranked! :)

Going to the room next door to sing some more stupid kareoke with Cristoffer! :P Yeay!

Sister Sinister