Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Shit..this is probably the last update in the blog for a few days or so.. I’m leaving for Stockholm tomorrow at lunchtime so I dont know if I have time to write again.
I’m a very bad girl and still haven’t packed my stuff for the trip..:/
I have to do it tonight before I go to sleep. If i CAN sleep!
I always get a little…hmm..not nervous..but excited when I’m about to travel and stuff so usually I can’t sleep the night before. And it always feels like I have forgotten about 100 important things. Hate it. But it will be a very fun week I think! :D
Really looking forward to FE and meeting everyone.
I got my dress from Naucler Design today and it looks really amazing.
And of course a cute little hairpiece in a matching color. :) I will look so hot!

We’ve put up a new video on YouTube tonight!
A real crappy behind the scenes video from one of my Latexa-shoots.
But at least it’s something for you untill I get the good stuff from Jocke. ;)

I have to run now so I can pack and watch a movie I rented before I sleep..”Hellboy” the “new” one. :P
Hopefully I write a word tomorrow..otherwise..wish me luck in Germany!

Sister Sinister

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