Wednesday, April 22, 2009


At my moms place now. :) Sitting on the balcony with a cup of coffee and enjoying the sun.
It’s much warmer here than where I live. I dont even have to use any jacket, so nice!
On wednesday I leave for Gemany/Essen, trying to figure out what I forgot to pack but I will most likely notice than when I’m already there. :P Just my luck.
Talkning to photographers and trying to plan some photoshoots. It’s hard to plan though when I’ve never been there before and have no idea where I will be and when! lol.
I guess we will sort something out in the end. :)
Gaah…hoping that my mom get’s home soon so she can help me dye my hair. Why do it yourself when you can get help! ;P
And tonight we will be really girlie and watch the “Sex and the City movie”, and eat popcorn. Good to relax before the upcoming hard weekend.
Hopefully there will be lots of nice pictures for you after the FE weekend!

Have to get more coffee now..

Sister Sinister

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