Wednesday, April 22, 2009


It’s friday! Just two days till I go to Stockholm for a couple of days and then travel to Germany! Getting really excited! I haven packed yet but I have to do it tomorrow..I hate that I’m that kind of person who always does everything the last minute and then get really stressed. :/

Thank you all for giving the slideshow on YouTube good feedback! Continue the rating people and keep your eyes open on sunday when I will post a new video to YouTube. Hope you’ll like it too! Then I got some really tasty stuff for you coming up..but you’ll have to wait for it…;)

Something you all should know, if you haven´t already noticed is that my agency, who untill a couple of days ago was named Nocturnal Models, has changed name to The Core! And they launched the new site and everything yesterday!
They represent some of the worlds hottest alternative models and some really talanted photographers (like Nikdesign, my official photographer) and stylists!
I’m happy to be a part of that cool growing agency. you know where to look if you need proffessional people to work with. ;)
The Core
My profile at The Core: Sister Sinister

Oh! About the title of this entry…I can´t stop playing this song!

Keep up the sexyness and have a cool weekend!
Sister Sinister

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