Friday, April 24, 2009


Was nice and warm today..but I had to spend half of the day in bed since I’ve got a cold. :(
After a couple of hours I managed to get to the office and edit some more pictures for a’s really taking long time for me to get it done this time! Too much to think I guess so it’s hard to stay focused. The first thing I’m gonna do tomorrow, after washing latex of course, is to write a “to do list”. I really have to because I have soo many things going on and when I try to think about it, everything just starts spinning in my head and I can’t focus on anything.

I have rebuilt in the gallery today..or at least narrowed down the categorys and stuff. I dont think it get’s better than this before I get my brand new site later on. So I hope you can live with it untill then! ;)
At least I put up a new session in the News section. Some quite simple but pretty pictures with the golden dress some of you saw me wearing in Essen! Click the picture to get to the gallery.

I also got a new really cool picture from Ryan today! I’m really happy with the result of the shoots this far. :) Can’t wait to see more.
He really makes me look cool! Yeay! :)

I really should try to sleep now, and especially since I’m ill… I really hate that “going to bed” part. I love sleeping..but I hate going to bed. Haha. Waking up is not always that fun either!
Well well..Good night!!

Sister Sinister

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